Encouragement from J.C. Ryle

Need some encouragement? Here are a few quotes from J.C. Ryle: We see in these verses, how well our Lord foreknew the...

“Church” Attendance and the Heart

If you refuse to faithfully attend services at a local church you have no strong reason to believe you’re a Christian....

Men’s Group Study (Mark Dever’s “Discipling: How to Help Others Follow Jesus”)

Letting you all know about an opportunity for a study. If you live in the area of Double Branch Free Will Baptist...

You Only Ever Meet Two People

You only ever meet two people. Just two. No more. No less. The Bible has a wonderful way of simplifying. Psalm 1, the...
Why Should I Believe in the Resurrection?

Why Should I Believe in the Resurrection?

See series home here Without the resurrection of Jesus, Christianity falls apart. Without the resurrection Jesus is simply another martyr dying for a good cause and we are still in our sins to this very day. However, with the resurrection, He is God in the flesh, and...

A Loving God and an Eternal Hell?

A Loving God and an Eternal Hell?

See series home here The most unpleasant teaching of the Bible is the truth of hell. No one wants to think about the fires of hell, the torment suffered by those there, and the reality that it is eternal. And yet, this truth must be taught for it warns sinners of...

Did Jesus Claim to be God?

Did Jesus Claim to be God?

See series home page here One of the greatest, most precious, and clearest teachings of the Bible is the deity of Jesus Christ. He is Emmanuel, God with us. But have you ever thought of the fact that the words, “I am God,” are never recorded in the Bible as being...

Why Do Christians Only Believe in Two Genders?

Why Do Christians Only Believe in Two Genders?

See series home page here. It would have been strange ten years ago (indeed, it’s still strange) to write about “Why Christians only believe in two genders.” Why? Because everyone believed in only two genders regardless of their religious beliefs. It was the norm, as...

Is Christianity Homophobic?

Is Christianity Homophobic?

See Series Home Page Here. Right now, as I am writing, our nation is divided. Some of you know better than I do about this. And though I have no plans to get into politics in this article, I bring up our national divide because it is a symptom of a far deeper problem...

Before You Abort Your Baby…

Before You Abort Your Baby…

If you’re thinking of aborting your unborn child, or speaking to someone who is, please consider the following six reasons for saving the life of the unborn. 1. Love Your Neighbor As Yourself It may sound simple, but when you really begin to think of Jesus’ statement...

Is Belief in God Reasonable?

Is Belief in God Reasonable?

See Series Home Page Here Is belief in God reasonable? It is strange to even think of this question. And yet, in our society the “strangeness” has almost been taken away. From college professors, to popular atheistic writers and speakers, to that family member at the...

Can I Know the Bible is God’s Word?

Can I Know the Bible is God’s Word?

See series home page here. If we lose the Bible we lose everything. Yes, God reveals Himself in nature, through innate knowledge, and our consciences, and yet it is through the Bible—special revelation—that God reveals Himself most fully. That is why we begin here in...

What is Apologetics?

What is Apologetics?

See the series home page here. When I was around 19 years of age I came under a deep conviction of both my sin and my need of Jesus Christ. I had previously made a confession of faith, but most likely it was a false confession. As I grew and lived my teenage years I...



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