Encouragement from J.C. Ryle

Encouragement from J.C. Ryle

Need some encouragement? Here are a few quotes from J.C. Ryle: We see in these verses, how well our Lord foreknew the weakness and infirmity of His disciples. He tells them plainly what they were going to do. ‘All ye shall be offended because of me this...
“Church” Attendance and the Heart

“Church” Attendance and the Heart

If you refuse to faithfully attend services at a local church you have no strong reason to believe you’re a Christian. It doesn’t matter that you were baptized at age 7, that you prayed the “sinner’s prayer” when you were 15, or how good you feel when you read...
You Only Ever Meet Two People

You Only Ever Meet Two People

You only ever meet two people. Just two. No more. No less. The Bible has a wonderful way of simplifying. Psalm 1, the first of 150 Psalms (songs) in the book of Psalms, gives us a description of ever person to ever live and it does so in 6 verses: 3 for the blessed...

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